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Saturday, August 2, 2014

SUB INSPECTOR OF POLCIE Answer Key & Question Paper Exam Date : 02/08/2014 STATE WIDE EXAM

1. Binary number of the decimal number 15 is
Ans: 1111

2. 1's complement of 1011 ?
Ans: 0100

3. In a client/Server computer network, the user computer is usually called as
Ans : Client

4. The extension of .com , .edu , .org , .net are usually called
Ans : Domain name ( Top level domain )

5.FTP stands for
Ans: File Transfer Protocol

6.Which of the following is a cyber crime
Ans:Hacking *
[ Email spoofing also a cyber crime ]

7.What is a firewall protection ?
Ans: Security

8.Which computer language is used for Artificial Intelligence among the following

9.Who invented the high level programming language C
Ans :Dennis M Ritchie

10.Expansion of UNIVAC
Ans : Universal Automatic Computer

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